Top firefox addons
Top firefox addons

top firefox addons

So while popular extensions are generally safe, you should take some precautions.Įvery extension submitted to the official Firefox add-ons directory is scanned for issues, but not all are reviewed manually.Įven Mozilla itself recommends being mindful of what permissions an extension asks for. Independent third parties develop firefox extensions, but the most popular ones are subject to safety testing before Mozilla accepts each new version. 💪 Click to Tweetįirefox extensions are generally safe to install and use as long as you take the proper precautions. You can easily download and install them from within Firefox with a few clicks - more on this later.Īre you looking for Firefox extensions to help you take your browser experience to the next level? 👀 Look no further. These extensions and add-ons are available in the public Firefox extension library and other locations online. If you want a little extra something out of Firefox, and you’re thinking about changing browsers, a Firefox extension might do the job instead. Privacy Badger extension.īy installing and adding it to Firefox, you add that extra functionality and change your browsing experience.Īll kinds of extensions are available that can add different features to your Firefox browser.įor example, you can use them to take screen captures, rearrange your Firefox tabs, check your grammar, set up dark mode on every website, and more.

top firefox addons

What Are Firefox Extensions (Also Called Firefox Add-Ons)?įirefox extensions, previously known as Firefox Add-ons, are tiny programs that function within the web browser to extend its functionality.įor example, Privacy Badger is an extension you can install onto Firefox to stop invisible tracking scripts from tracking your every move online.

Top firefox addons